What’s the optimal number of domain names? When should you have more than one?

Richard Munter and Jessica Westermann lead the unique partnership of Munter Westermann Arts & Media. A cross-functional team, Munter Westermann has developed communication materials for leading environmental, arts, and service organizations. We have expertise and extensive experience across multiple disciplines allowing us to design for and deliver optimally across different media.
Richard works on all stages of production including concept development, execution, and delivery on web, video, design, and performance projects. Learn more about Richard.
Jessica’s background lies in performing arts and administration. She has a particular focus on instruction, design, and planning. Learn more about Jessica.
What’s the optimal number of domain names? When should you have more than one?
Are you looking to setup an online store? I’ll share a few things I’ve learned that will get you started in the right direction.
Sometimes clients get confused between these different terms so I thought I’d write a post defining them to help you out. So it’s not sexy (like usual, hah!) but can be a good reference when sorting out what is what.
At the beginning of August, my family went to a cottage in Quebec for a few days of holiday. It was supposed to be a working holiday. Then I caught COVID and had slow Internet and I’m not sure which was worse.
I’ve worked on many multilingual videos and, websites, and print designs. Each medium has its own challenges (maybe opportunities?) and I’d like to tell you about them in case you need to work in multiple languages.
Caching is a valuable part of browsing even now in the age of much faster Internet connections. But caching can prevent you from seeing changes on your website. Here’s how to fix that problem.
Some thoughts on a few topics. Does your website really need HTTPS? How can you use Artificial Intelligence in your small business? And do you really need those annoying Captchas on your site?
When I was studying at Ryerson University, we had a Digital Graphics course in our first year of the Media program. I created an animation from Muybridge’s classic motion studies which helped increase my interest in combining images and code.
Aim for simplicity in the design and development of your website for maximum impact and most efficient maintenance.
Straight up tables of numbers can be incredibly dry and hard to understand. By converting these statistics into interactive graphs and charts, I’m giving site visitors a better way to engage with and understand the data.