When I was studying at Ryerson University, we had a Digital Graphics course in our first year of the Media program. I created an animation from Muybridge’s classic motion studies which helped increase my interest in combining images and code.
Richard Munter and Jessica Westermann lead the unique partnership of Munter Westermann Arts & Media. A cross-functional team, Munter Westermann has developed communication materials for leading environmental, arts, and service organizations. We have expertise and extensive experience across multiple disciplines allowing us to design for and deliver optimally across different media.
Richard works on all stages of production including concept development, execution, and delivery on web, video, design, and performance projects. Learn more about Richard.
Jessica’s background lies in performing arts and administration. She has a particular focus on instruction, design, and planning. Learn more about Jessica.
Category: General
There are 18 posts published under General.
How I shoot Video
The police officer rolled up in her car beside me on the sidewalk. Someone had complained about the suspicious man loitering on the street with a strange contraption pointed at a hospital.
Browser and Email Security Tips
Here’s how I protect my computer when browsing and reading email. Use my sixteen tips to be safer online.
Simplicity and why it matters for web design
Aim for simplicity in the design and development of your website for maximum impact and most efficient maintenance.
Is your password strong enough?
If you use passwords like ‘password’, ‘robert1980’, ‘1234567890abcdefghijklmnop’, ‘qwertyuiop’, or ‘J0hnSm1th’, then you need to read this post.
Why Story Matters & How to Use It
At bedtime, my children love when I tell a ‘Jacob and Anna’ story – an adventure, made-up on the spot, that stars them. They have ridden dragons, been shrunk to the size of an ant, met elves, and orbited the moon.
How my Life Changed Twice 10 Years Ago
My life turned upside down twice in the summer of 2005. In June 2005, I worked as Creative Director at a small design agency. It was a sleepy day at the office, when my boss called the staff into a meeting and told us all a surprising piece of news.
Your website – your digital signpost
I like to think of a website as a digital signpost. Even if it’s only a single page – it’s a way for people to find you and connect with you. Obviously, it can be much more than that but when getting started, all your website needs to be is a single page. Your classic under construction page (not my favorite thing), can start as a contact page and then be replaced by the full site.